Many people have experienced pain from once source or another. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is no different. Carpal Tunnel is the inflammation of the nerves in the wrist, causing pain and numbness. Some people find it difficult to grasp or hold objects as well. It's often caused by repetitive movements, such as typing on a keyboard too long, or writing, or painting. There can be many causes of Carpal Tunnel, including genetics. Traditional treatments include anti-inflammatory medication or the wearing of a wrist wrap, to limit movement. Some patients resort to surgery-which may or may not improve the condition. However, massage might be the answer for some individuals.
“I’ve had clients improve in one 60-minute session...others have improved in six, 60-minute sessions, after addressing primary, secondary and tertiary reasons for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. However, most clients experience some relief after the first session...typically it takes three to five sessions to get long-term results, sometimes more, sometimes less.” -AMTA on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Massage works by restoring the muscles so they can move more freely, and by releasing the pressure that is put on the nerve. Do you think you may have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? First, talk to your doctor to get a diagnosis. If you think massage might help relieve you of pain, schedule a massage, and talk to me about your condition.
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